Discover Faith-based Online Book Fairs

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More Than Just a Book Fair

We want to help give back to schools! Every school that participates in the book fair will earn cash rewards. All school book fairs under $1,000 will receive 10% cash back. All book fairs over $1,000 will receive 20% cash back! It's a win-win for schools and families.

Preview Last Book Fair's Flyer

Book Fair Best Sellers

Get access to books like these and hundreds more when you sign up for Ready Let's Read. Sign up below for FREE!

Dead Sea Squirrels #1 - Squirrled Away
The Berenstain Bears Faithful Friends
Dragons in Our Midst #1 - Raising Dragons
FLS124 1
Water Bottle SS Stickers Purple Wonderfully Made Ps. 139:14
Lots of Jokes for Kids
The Complete Cast Iron Cookbook
9781784988937 1
What Are Hands For? Board Book: A Lift-the-Flap Board Book
Attack at Pearl Harbor

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What are you waiting for? Sign up today for your free school book fair!

Fill out the form to create your unique classroom (or school) account for the Spring 2025 Ready Let's Ready on PAGES book fair. Please Note: The individual who signs up will be the primary contact for information about the book fair and will receive the percentage back after the book fair closes. You are welcome to register your entire school on one account and receive one check back based on orders on the school site. Or, teachers can register individual classrooms and each teacher will receive percentage back based on their classroom orders. Please verify your email through the link you receive. As we get closer to the site open date, you will receive all the materials you need to communicate with parents and students about the PAGES Ready Let's Read online book fair.

School Contact Information (This person will be the main contact for your book fair)

Your School Information for Shipping

Select entire school or the classroom grade you are registering based on whether signing up whole school or individual classroom.

Your Store Information

This handle will be used to create a unique URL for your classroom (or school), so pick something memorable that reflects your classroom or school name. Ex: Smith-First-Grade-columbia

We will provide promotion materials for you to share with your students leading up to the book fair purchase window

Let us know how many catalog flyers you need mailed to your school to give to students to take home to promote the book fair. (The deadline is now passed to be mailed printed flyers. A digital version of the flyer is available on the Admin Hub for those who missed the deadline or need more flyers.
Please select the book fair window you are participating in this year.

Each purchase on your unique school (or classroom) book fair gives you cash back to your school!